Acupressure & Meridian :- Acupuncture is a component of the health care system of China that can be traced back for at least 2,500 years. The general theory of Acupuncture is based on the premise that there are patterns of energy flow (Qi) through the body that are essential for health.
HEAT / Moxibustion :-The Moxibustion is a traditional remedy used by putting uniform pressure to the pained area of the body surface and infusing warm energy into that area to promote blood circulation to cure and prevent diseases.
Chiropractic :-Chiropractic therapy focuses on the relationship between the body's structure mainly the spine and the body's function.
Far Infrared Rays :- Infrared light is part of the sun’s invisible spectrum. We can, however, feel this type of light, which we perceive as heat. Our sun produces most of it’s energy output in the Infrared segment of the spectrum.
Pain Relief, Reduces Stress and Fatigue, Improves Blood Circulation,
Removes Harmful Toxins, Improves the Immune System,
Negative Ions, Vibrate Massage,